What the New 20% Pass-Through Deduction Means for Business Owners

What the New 20% Pass-Through Deduction Means for Business Owners It is essential for business owners to be familiar with their landscape, reap all available tax benefits, and stay up-to-date with developments in the business world. The 20% deduction for pass-through businesses, outlined in IRC Section 199A, was introduced in the 2017 Tax Cuts and […]

Attorney Smith is Featured in the ABWA Member Monday Spotlight

The American Business Women’s Association is a national professional association for women. The mission of ABWA is to bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership; education, networking support and national recognition.  Attorney Smith is the 2018-2019 Secretary of the […]

5 Mitos de Planificación Patrimonial Creídos por Personas en Sus Veintitantos

La planificación patrimonial puede ser un proceso intimidante, pero no tiene que ser así. Tener sus deseos claramente definidos puede aliviar a su familia y seres queridos de una gran cantidad de estrés. Planear con anticipación solo te beneficiará a largo plazo. Como adulto joven, la planificación patrimonial le permite hacer un inventario de sus […]