The Business Plan: A Vital Tool for Maryland Startups and Established Companies

Business owners in Maryland often ask, “Why do I need a business plan?” Stated another way, the question may be posed: “Who needs a Business Plan and Why?”  The fact is that most people have a limited view of the purposes of a plan. Raising capital for a young business is not the sole purpose […]

Hacer Préstamos a Familiares o Amigos

La Abogada Smith analiza lo qué puede ser un tema delicado de prestar dinero a familiares o amigos. ¿Debería hacer que firmen un contrato? ¿Cuáles son los riesgos si no lo haces? Escuche el video para escuchar lo que la Abogada Smith tiene que decir.

Loaning Money to Family or Friends

Attorney Smith discusses what can be a touchy subject of loaning money to family or friends. Should you have them sign a contract? What are the risks if you don’t? Listen to the video to hear what Attorney Smith has to say.